

What happens when the word responsibility becomes your mantra? When every aspect of running a restaurant becomes a conscious effort to do better on behalf of our environment. This is Amass in a nutshell. No matter what situation or scenario we find ourselves in, we are constantly asking ourselves: “Is this the most responsible way to approach this situation, and is this as delicious as we can possibly make it?” We refer to this mindset as “Responsible Deliciousness” and it fosters our culture and drives our creative process. Instead of a quest for the perfectly shaped vegetable, it’s what we can do with the stems of kale or the miso we make out of our lemon skins. The so-called “by-products” that we produce and the processes we put them through are what drives our creativity. And because of this, we have been able to reduce our waste by 75%. But sustainability is more than the physical action of making miso from coffee grounds or nori from kale stems, it’s a frame of mind, and it has become an intricate part of our culture at Amass. So much so that we can’t imagine any other way of working.
